This Hard Seltzer Brand Created a Mask You Can Drink Through

Source: AdWeek | Kathryn Lundstrom

Following a brainstorming session in May, marketers at hard seltzer brand Crook & Marker posted a mock-up on social media of what was initially more of a joke: a mask with a small round valve in the middle, like the kind you’d find on a beach ball, but for a straw to fit into. They were trying to solve the everyday problems of the pandemic-era drinker—how, pray tell, is one meant to wear a mask and drink at the same time?

That initial prototype for the TasteMask, as Crook & Marker dubbed it, was well-received, to say the least. Instagram users piled hundreds of comments onto the post, tagging friends and begging the brand to actually make the masks. People even started calling the brand to inquire about the masks, according to Crook & Marker chief marketing officer Daniel Goodfellow.

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